AliMed SteadyStrider

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Supplier: ALIMED
L Code: L4398
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Patented ankle/foot orthosis (AFO) Supports weak muscles in ambulatory patients to provide footdrop support Steady Strider Anterior AFO is a patented ankle/foo...
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AliMed SteadyStrider
AliMed SteadyStrider
Product Overview
  • Patented ankle/foot orthosis (AFO) Supports weak muscles in ambulatory patients to provide footdrop support Steady Strider Anterior AFO is a patented ankle/foot orthosis (AFO) that supports weak muscles in ambulatory patients to provide footdrop support. Optional anterior support strap increases footdrop control. Unlike traditional AFOs, Steady Strider is non-bulky and lightweight to ensure maximum patient compliance. Steady Strider also allows full foot and floor contact, important for balance. Indicated for footdrop, peripheral neuropathy, dorsiflexor injury, stroke patients, and leg muscle disorders. Available in Black or White.
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Supplier L Code L4398
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