Modular Knee Joint, servo-pneumatic

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Supplier: OTTOBOCK
L Code: L5840,L5850
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Alpharetta Fresno
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The key element of the new 3R106 Pro is the servo-pneumatic control unit. Its powerful dual-chamber pneumatic unit with progressive damping properties has a fle...
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Modular Knee Joint, servo-pneumatic
Modular Knee Joint, servo-pneumatic
Product Overview

The key element of the new 3R106 Pro is the servo-pneumatic control unit. Its powerful dual-chamber pneumatic unit with progressive damping properties has a flexion valve that the prosthetist sets for the user's normal walking speed. At faster walking speeds, the flexion resistance increases auto-adaptively, which prevents too much flexion of the knee joint. The pendulum movements in the swing phase are thus harmoniously controlled even at higher walking speeds.

The integrated, automatic quick venting of the flexion chamber ensures that harmonious extension movement is possible even at higher walking speeds so a greater range of walking speeds is supported.

Hazmat No
Typically in Stock Yes
Patient Weight Limit 275lbs
Score No
Supplier L Code L5840, L5850
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