Pediatric Adjustable Alignment Bracket

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Supplier: FILLAUER
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Alpharetta Fresno
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The Adjustable Alignment Bracket tool (pediatric or adult) allows a clinician to accurately align a prosthetic foot with simple height adjustment, medial-latera...
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Pediatric Adjustable Alignment Bracket
Pediatric Adjustable Alignment Bracket
Product Overview
  • The Adjustable Alignment Bracket tool (pediatric or adult) allows a clinician to accurately align a prosthetic foot with simple height adjustment, medial-lateral adjustment, and frontal plane angulation.
  • The bracket is for in-clinic fitting only — it is not a permanent mounting solution, but rather a fitting tool.
  • The bracket is compatible with the Formula and AllPro Posterior Mount feet.
  • Weight limit:  132lbs
Hazmat No
Typically in Stock No
Patient Weight Limit 132lbs
Score No
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