PediPlast Advanced Moldable Footcare Compound

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Supplier: PEDIFIX
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Alpharetta Fresno
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PediPlast® is a silicone compound that lets you fabricate soft, yet durable, customized digital appliances in less than five minutes. You'll make toe cushio...
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PediPlast Advanced Moldable Footcare Compound
PediPlast Advanced Moldable Footcare Compound
Product Overview

PediPlast® is a silicone compound that lets you fabricate soft, yet durable, customized digital appliances in less than five minutes. You'll make toe cushions, straighteners, separators or protectors to treat almost any forefoot condition, including hammer toes, overlapping toes, corns, bunions, even replace amputated digits. Just mix the putty-like compound with the curing agent and mold it directly to the patient's foot. After a few minutes, the material will harden into its permanent form, ranging from soft to firm, based on the amount of curing agent added. No odors or mess. Non-toxic. Hypoallergenic. No refrigeration or special handling necessary. Cut or grind finished devices to make additional alterations. Available in 100 gram (with 1 tube of curing agent), 250 gram (with 2 tubes of curing agent), and 400 gram jars (with 3 tubes of curing agent).

  • #1 selling material of its kind!
  • Make custom hammer toe crests, interdigital spacers, bunion shields, more
  • Simply hand mix base material with hardener, mold to foot, wait 5 minutes
  • Finished devices look natural, feel good -- patients love them!
  • Economical, too -- most devices cost under a dollar or two to make

With PediPlast, you're prepared to relieve various digital conditions immediately. Patients appreciate the soft, custom devices you can make for them in just minutes.

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