Progressive Rest Hand Orthosis

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Supplier: LENJOY
L Code: L3807,L3809
Warehouse Availability:
Alpharetta Fresno
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Progressive Rest Hand Orthosis
Progressive Rest Hand Orthosis Progressive Rest Hand Orthosis Progressive Rest Hand Orthosis Progressive Rest Hand Orthosis
Product Overview

Please note only unopened/unused special order items can be returned to Lenjoy within the 30 day window and they will no longer accept returns if item is used.

Progressive static positioning with the ComfySplints® Progressive rest Hand Orthosis gives endless possibilities for thumb and wrist control . Gentle medial or lateral thumb support with individualized thumb strapping allows for a more traditional “C” formation form.

Super- soft five-point straps accommodate sensitive skin as well as slight fluctuations in edema and fragile skin.
Finger separator included (removable).
Allows comfort and relaxation to sore joints and muscles due to Arthritis, CVA, or Sprain/Strains.

Features and Benefits:

  • Navy headliner cover is machine washable (laundering bag included)
  • Removable and optional finger separator included
  • Fully and easily adjustable at all joints to make a custom fit without the use of tools or heat guns
  • Side wings prevent ulnar/radial deviation
  • Order Right or Left
Typically in Stock Yes
Score No
Supplier L Code L3807, L3809
Supplier URL
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