SENSOR Hydraulic Swing and Stance Phase Control Knee

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Supplier: ST&G
L Code: L5828,L5845,L5925
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Alpharetta Fresno
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The Sensor Knee can be set up for low activity users who need maximum stance phase stability to high activity users who require yielding function to descend slo...
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SENSOR Hydraulic Swing and Stance Phase Control Knee
SENSOR Hydraulic Swing and Stance Phase Control Knee SENSOR Hydraulic Swing and Stance Phase Control Knee SENSOR Hydraulic Swing and Stance Phase Control Knee
Product Overview
The Sensor Knee can be set up for low activity users who need maximum stance phase stability to high activity users who require yielding function to descend slopes and stairs leg over leg.
The extremely sophisticated hydraulic system guarantees versatility when transitioning through gait cycles at different speeds. Walking over uneven terrain, down slopes and stairs, can be accomplished with ease – heightening user confidence with smooth and controllable movements. The Sensor Knee features a stance lock and activated stance yield mode within the same unit. The weight activated locking mode ensures maximum security and protection, and the stance yield function permits safe walking down stairs, in smooth style.
These features also allow for the knee unit to be suitably adjusted for the amputee during early stages of rehabilitation -right through to optimum mobility and high activity use. The unique terminal impact dampening provides the amputee with a sense of the prosthesis’ position immediately prior to heel strike.
Features and Benefits:
  • Lightweight titanium
  • Hydraulic swing and stance phase control
  • Ultimate stability on stairs and uneven surfaces
  • Adjustable flexion resistance, sensitivity and yield
  • Terminal impact dampener
Color Black
Typically in Stock Yes
Material Aluminum
Patient Weight Limit 275lbs
Score No
Supplier L Code L5828, L5845, L5925
Supplier URL
Product Warranty: 24 Months
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