VIP High Vacuum Convex

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Supplier: ALPS
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Alpharetta Fresno
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The ALPS TM VIP is an elevated vacuum system, fabricated into the distal end of a socket similar to a distal end pad. The VIP is engineered out of a medical gra...
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VIP High Vacuum Convex
VIP High Vacuum Convex VIP High Vacuum Convex
Product Overview

The ALPS TM VIP is an elevated vacuum system, fabricated into the distal end of a socket similar to a distal end pad. The VIP is engineered out of a medical grade silicone polymer and two valves to control the airflow. Once the amputee dons the prosthesis and places a seal sleeve over the socket, the pump is activated from the user’s weight during heel strike, and draws elevated vacuum after toe off during swing phase. The VIP is available with 2 different vacuum levels within the socket, depending upon the patient’s activity level and skin conditions. 

Features and Benefits:

  • Easy to Install
  • Available with different vacuum levels; Low Vacuum or High Vacuum
  • Made in the USA

Temporary Socket with Alps V.I.P

Definitive Socket with Alps V.I.P

Typically in Stock Yes
Patient Weight Limit 350lbs
Score No
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