Zero G AFO 2.0 Boot Base

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The Zero G 2.0 ankle foot orthosis (AFO) is a prefabricated, offloading brace that relieves plantar surface pressure from the foot. The Zero 2.0 G AFO incorpora...
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Zero G AFO 2.0 Boot Base
Zero G AFO 2.0 Boot Base Zero G AFO 2.0 Boot Base
Product Overview

The Zero G 2.0 ankle foot orthosis (AFO) is a prefabricated, offloading brace that relieves plantar surface pressure from the foot. The Zero 2.0 G AFO incorporates a supple, but strong, adjustable, leather calf corset with Ratcheting Dial adjuster closures. This design provides a total-contact, hydrostatic lift of the inverted cone shape of the calf to offload the foot. The Zero G 2.0 brace’s patented design, with malleable metal uprights, provides a sturdy, stable substructure that transfers weight from the ground to the calf and not the foot and ankle, providing up to 90 percent non-weight bearing.

Features and Benefits:

  • Half inch (½in) removable donning pad to ensure a repeatable offloading process
  • Double-action ankle joints for assist / resist or fixed adjustment
  • Footplate pad of 1/8in foam over 1in memory foam foot pad to significantly reduce any pressure applied to plantar surface
  • Adjustable, padded foot cover encases and protects the foot
  • Universal for left or right fitting


  • How to size for the Lacer & Base 

Measurements of the calf circumference and the foot length are taken to determine proper sizing. The Lacer and AFO Base sizes of the Zero G 2.0 AFO can be interchanged for proper fit.

  • How to size for the Silicone Interface

Measure the circumference 15cm (6in) above mid-patella and choose the correct size.


Parylene® surface coated Silicone for soft interface

Typically in Stock Yes
Patient Weight Limit 275lbs
Score No
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