Orthomerica ECO Orthosis

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L Code: L0456
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California® ECO™—Extension Compression Orthosis was developed to comfortably extend the thoracic spine and unweight the wedged vertebral body i...
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Orthomerica ECO Orthosis
Orthomerica ECO Orthosis
Product Overview
  • California® ECO™—Extension Compression Orthosis was developed to comfortably extend the thoracic spine and unweight the wedged vertebral body in order to promote healing and pain relief. The ECO stabilizes the pelvis and lumbar spine to ease pain. Effective for individuals with Osteoporosis, vertebral compression fractures, thoracic strains, and debilitating Kyphosis. 
  • The ECO is as simple to apply as a backpack or jacket, with easy-toreach self-adjusting and padded shoulder straps. The metal spinal frame can be easily contoured to the patient’s thoracic and lumbar spine.


  • Patented California Compression abdominal component, made of cool, breathable mesh provides cinching mechanical advantage
  • Detachable abdominal component can be used independently of remaining system to provide a functional lumbar spinal orthosis
  • Durable, one-pull compound closure provides patient adjustable compression
  • Patient-controlled shoulder extension improves compliance and tolerance
  • Non-twisting strap design makes application easy for elderly individuals with limited shoulder mobility
  • Requires no tools for fitting procedure
  • Padded shoulder straps loosen without completely unfastening in order to facilitate simple reapplication
  • Contourable aluminum “spine” is lined with CoolFoam™ and extends from the thoracic area to the sacrococcygeal junction Indications


  • Thoracic compression fractures
  • Kyphosis
  • Early through late stages of osteoporosis
  • Strain in upper thoracic spine due to sustained positioning at keyboard or other repetitive tasks
  • Acute pain relieved by thoracic extension
Typically in Stock Yes
Score No
Supplier L Code L0456
Supplier URL www.orthomerica.com
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